Referral Pool

Two kind of referrals have been developed.

1/ The classic one where a referrer and a referee are rewarded when the referee registers and creates a wallet in Frak.

2/A far more sophisticated and rewarding one with which the referrer shares a given content to his/her referees and will be rewarded for every earnings made by the creator, at any referral level.

Reward for a new Wallet Creation

For every wallet created by a referee, the referrer and the referee’s wallets are credited with FRK50 each. The users can find in the app a personal code (the user_id) that they can share very simply with their friends.

Every time a new user signs in, fills in the referrer’s personal code and creates a wallet in FRK, both wallets received the FRK50.

n-Level Reward by sharing a Content

When users share a content to their contacts, they create some value for the content. Therefore, Frak offers them to capture a share of this value because they act as a distributor/reseller.

Let’s take a given content PiP_i and a user A1A_1 that shares the content with the users A2A_2, B2B_2 and C2C_2. The user C2C_2 shares the content with the users A3A_3, B3B_3 and C3C_3.

As a big picture, when the user C3C_3 interact with the contentPiP_i, the user C2C_2 will earn 6% of the earnings of the Creator and the user A1A_1 will earn 80% of what C2C_2 earned : 4.8% of the earnings of the Creator.

If the user A1A_1 had haven a referrer, this referrer would have earn 3.84% of the earnings of the Creator (80%x4.8%).

Use Case : Share purchase

Let’s take a case where the user C3C_3 purchase a share of the content PiP_i at given price RiR_i.

20% goes to the Frak Foundation. Then, the Creator earns a gross revenue before referral reward equal to 80% of RiR_i.

As C2C_2 is the referrer of C3C_3 at level 1 and A1A_1 referrer at level 2, C2C_2 and A2A_2 earn those amount :

C2:RC2=10%×RiC_2 : R_{C_2} = 10\% \times R_i
A1:RA1=12×10%×RiA_1 : R_{A_1} = \frac{1}{2} \times 10\% \times R_i

Thus, the Creator earns a net revenue equal to :

CreatorPi:RPi=(80%×Ri)(RC2+RA1)=65%×RiCreator P_i : R_{P_i} = (80\% \times R_i) - (R_{C_2} + R_{A_1}) = 65\% \times R_i

Use Case : Earnings thanks to the consumption

Let’s take a case where the user C3C_3, owning a Diamond Fraktion of the Content PiP_i, watches to the content PiP_i. The Creator earns the revenue RiR_i.


  • the Creator shares 35% of RiR_i with C3C_3.

  • 10% of RiR_i go to in the Content Pool.

  • 6% of RiR_i go to the Referral Pool.

As C2C_2 is the referrer of C3C_3 at level 1 and A1A_1 referrer at level 2, C2C_2 and A1A_1 earn those amount :

C2:6%×RiC_2 : 6\% \times R_i
A2:45×6%×Ri=4.8%×RiA_2 : \frac{4}{5} \times 6\% \times R_i = 4.8\% \times R_i

Thus, the Creator earns :

Creator:(100%35%6%4.8%)×Ri=44.2%×RiCreator : (100\%-35\%-6\%-4.8\%) \times R_i = 44.2\% \times R_i

General Formula

(45)k×6%×Ri\left(\frac{4}{5}\right)^k \times 6\% \times R_i

The share of earnings given to all the referrers :

k=1n(45)k×6%×Ri\sum_{k=1}^{n}\left(\frac{4}{5}\right)^k \times 6\% \times R_i

The Share of revenue given to the referees cannot exceed 30% (n=n=\infty)

Last updated