Earning Caps

In order to prevent bot and cheating system, while incentivizing power users, every Standard Period, a Power Number of UCC is calculated based on the average of consumption by the top 5% of active users.

Therefore, the number of Consumed Content Unit CCU is calculated with the formula below:

CCU=max(1,(CCU5%CCUreal)CCUreal)CCU=\max \left( 1, \left( \frac{CCU_{5\%}}{CCU_{real}} \right)^{CCU_{real}}\right)

CCU5%CCU_{5\%}: average consumption of the top 5% of active users (last Standard Period)​

CCUrealCCU_{real}: number of Consumed Content Units reported by different players

​Then, the distribution of the consumption is defined by the Chi-squared distribution (χ2\chi^2​-distribution).
